We Build and Consult with Early Stage Startup

alpha78 has built several apps and consulted with YCombinator startups to help them grow

Our Software Products


Focus by Working Together


Task Management

A rich todo list with projects and time tracking


Time Blocking

Our time blocking feature will help you schedule and notify your friends of your deep work sessions, so you wont be distracted


Supportive Community

A support community of hard working and productive people that will coach you in doing more deep work


April 2020 - Current

  • A custom ecommerce app to help with the checkout experience
  • Our custom stack that allows stores with millions of users to use the app worry free
  • The Graphical Page builder allows store owners to build their store layouts with a few clicks
  • A competitive free plan allows anyone to try and use the app without any worry

Our Consulting Clients

Lazer Technologies

We work with Lazer Technologies to provide software consulting for US/Canadian Startups

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Get in Touch

Reach out to us from our contact form and we will get back to you shortly.